In past fantasy baseball eras, the corner positions were fun zones, one-stop shops to get just about everything you wanted. That’s not really the case in the current game. First base has an age problem — most of the key players are in their 30s — and third base isn’t as statistically diverse as it used to be. And both positions are top heavy. If you’re breaking a tie between a corner infielder and something else in the first quarter of your draft, you probably should take the cornerman, all else equal. We’re tackling how to handle the corners in this edition of the Shuffle Up series.
For every position, I create personal salaries, essentially a way of constructing tiers. The numbers themselves don’t matter in a vacuum; what matters is how the players’ salaries relate to one another, where the talent clusters and where it drops off. Assume a 5×5 scoring system, as always. Players at the same draft cost are considered even.
The salaries are more my gut feel on a player and not necessarily part of a formula or overall bankroll structure.
Have some disagreements? That’s good! That’s why we have a game. I welcome your respectful disagreement anytime: @scott_pianowski on Twitter/X.
Remember the golden rule: no player takes on extra (or less) value simply because you roster him.